Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Licences, Certifications and what YOU need to know.

I have noticed lately that many Interior Designers and Stagers have added trade association listings to their advertising and websites, claiming to be licensed and or certified by one or more organizations. I am taking this space and time explain what these affiliations mean to you, the consumer. You can then decide if that is important and of value to you.

First of let me explain that the state of Pennsylvania does not require anyone working in the Interior Design field, either commercial or residential, to be licensed with the state unless they are contracting the actual work.  I know this because I worked with an independent state wide group, "Liberty for PA  Designers"  to fight proposed legislation when it is periodically brought to our legislature. It is usually introduced to the licencing committee by a group claiming to be a  national Interior Design leader.  This is an organization, with a lot of money and power, whose main goal is to restrict and control individuals and companies wishing to practice the art of Interior Design . They have been at this for over 30 years nationwide.  They are an Elitist group that has been successful in a few states, restricting who may use the words "interior design" in their practice. As many designers began to organize with the Internet, legislation in many of these states has been overturned when challenge in the courts. The "Institute For Justice" as well as many other large business groups have been active in defeating this cartel and their creation of unfair business practices.

For more information visit

Now, as for certificates for stagers....there are numerous on line organizations who will give anyone a certificate.  They imply that you must meet their standard and/or have passed their exam... when in reality...if you send them $200.00 (more or less)...they will let you become a member of their organization, with all the pseudo important seals to use on your web site.  There are no credentials or experience required.  They are basically trade associations that guarantee nothing to the consumer. On many of these sites there are links to on line merchants waiting to sell you.  Many do offer search engines, if you are looking for one of their members in your area...but you will not have any assurance that the person you find through this group is qualified to do the best job for  you...Your best bet is to contact a local interior designer with credentials and references.

LICENCES ARE IMPORTANT WHEN YOU ARE HIRING A CONTRACTOR!  The state of Pa passed a law several years ago that requires all remodel and renovation contractors, who bill more than $600.00 in a calendar year, to be licenced with the state. They are required to prove knowledge of state and national building codes and to carry substantial insurance coverage. This covers roofers, painters and general contractors.  Each company is given a number and it is required to display it on all their vehicles, in all their advertising and on their bill head.  They are also required to renew every year. This is a wonderful consumer protection law.
Shortly after the law went into effect, I was taking bids for a new roof on my home.  The first question I would ask each contractor was for their licence number.. and it was surprising how many told me that they did not have one or did not need one....Big Mistake...I eliminated them on the phone. And you should be as tough also.  An added protection to this is that you can go to the states web site and check the number that your contractor has given you.  The state has created wonderful protection for you, but it is up to you, the consumer to enforce it with your choices.
I hope this has been helpful and I welcome your comments and may reach me at

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