Monday, July 19, 2010

To Re-finish or Re-purpose

I had a conversation with dear friends yesterday that I often have with clients...They inherited Grandma's kitchen set and were at odds with each other about how to use it in their home....

ABOUT THE FURNITURE...When it was designed and built in the 1930's.. kitchens where not public areas of the home...they were strictly for food preparation and you would not entertain guests there..ever...and they were also very small...thus these pieces where not made of the finest cabinet woods and lacked any real style or embellishments..they where strictly the "work horses" of the furniture world..and these particular pieces...a tall cabinet, table and chairs are very small by today's standards..I would describe their style as "depression era cottage"

Now, my friend's home is an open concept layout and their taste is a mix of traditional and modern...and these pieces, although they function well in the space, their design and style is at odds with the rest of the home owner's furnishings...

Their question to me was: Will refinishing the pieces improve their appearance in the kitchen space? I have 2 questions that I ask in these situation...

1. Do you "LOVE" the piece? Does its provenance,( was Grandma's) bring you great joy?
2. Is the piece of Superior quality?

If the answer to either question is No..then I don't recommend spending any time or money on the piece...UNLESS you are going to RE-PURPOSE them in another area of the home..In this case..give the cabinet a fresh coat of a white,pastel or bright color and it will look great and function well in a child's room as extra display and storage. Because it is not quality wood, I don't recommend refinishing...and the table and chairs..also treated to a great coat of paint, would work well in a basement/craft room as a game or work table

There you have this case re-purposing wins out...Happy recycling to all..

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